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Pay a brilliant but disadvantaged student’s college fees, in full or part. The average cost of a 4-Years college degree in Ghana is $3,000, including accommodation fees and the cost of one laptop.

Agyemang Badu Stephen

Stephen is a first-year student of Chemical Engineering at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. As a child, a mentor who was a chemical engineer inspired him to pursue the same path. He applied himself seriously and worked hard to achieve top grades in school consistently.


Stephen hails from Sefwi, a region whose abundant and sustaining cocoa farms have deteriorated into firewood because of fertilizer overuse. With a father nearing 70, and a farm that offers bare income, Stephen makes his ends meet working at a friend’s shop and from money his sister sometimes sends to him. 


He struggles to attend his online classes with a broken phone, but Stephen is determined to grind through and graduate first class to become a chemical engineer or a mathematician who will one day teach and inspire the young students in his community, as his mentor who created in him his dream did.


Juliet Opkou Mensah

Juliet is a first-year student in the Doctor of Optometry program at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Her interest in vision science began with a fascination with eagles’ sharp eyesight and the spectrum of beautiful shades in human eyes. 


Juliet aced through high school, and encouraged by her grandmother’s dream of her becoming a doctor, she worked for two years as a secretary in a school to pay her first-year college fees. The heavy coursework and two hours spent daily to travel to and from school make it difficult for Juliet to work her way through her six-year degree. 


She is set on becoming a pediatric optometrist. Her education and compassionate nature will not only help heal children, but as a bright woman, her education will also bring advancement to society and future generations.

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